Older Sunday Bulletin and Sermon Notes
December 31, 2023: The Way On: Yesterday, Today, and Forever: Brother Ewin
December 24, 2023: The Best Christmas Gift Of All: Buzz & Congregation, Brother Ted
December 17, 2023: Where Does Eternal Joy Come From?: Brother Ted Kau
December 10, 2023: Where Is Peace On Earth?: Brother Ewin Grace
December 3, 2023: Our Unwavering Hope: Brother Ted Kau
November 25, 2023: Samson: Redeeming My True Identity: Brother Phil Yoder
November 19, 2023: God Loves A Grateful Heart: Brother Ewin
November 12, 2023: Peace With All: Brother Ted
November 5, 2023: Steps To Inner Peace: Brother Ted
October 29, 2023: The Hardest Truth In The BIble To Believe: Brother Ewin Grace
October 15, 2023: Is This The Beginning of the End Times?: Brother Ted Kau
October 8, 2023: Unity & Diversity: Brother Sunroot Liu
October 1, 2023: Peace In All Circumstances: Brother Ted Kau
September 24, 2023: Jesus' Gift of Peace: Brother Ted Kau
September 17, 2023: Disciple, Discipler & Difference Maker: Brother Ewin Grace
September 10, 2023: What does Jesus See?: Brother Ted Kau
September 3, 2023: Conformity and Transformation: Brother Sunroot Liu
August 27, 2023: Is Socialism Biblical?: Brother Ted Kau
August 20, 2023 (No in-person service): God is Sovereign: Brother Ted Kau
July 23, 2023: The Threat of Hedonism: Brother Christian Lissner
July 16, 2023: Social Justice: Brother Ted Kau
July 9, 2023: When Does Personhood Begin?: Brother Ted Kau
July 2, 2023: A Declaration of Dependence: Brother Ewin Grace
June 25, 2023: Transgenderism: Brother Ted Kau
June 18, 2023: A Father's Faith: Brother Ted Kau
June 11, 2023: Drifting vs Staying the Course: Brother Ted Kau
June 4, 2023: Kingdoms in Conflict: Brother Ben Yu
May 28, 2023: Clean House: Brother Christian Lissner
May 21, 2023: Joy! From Hell's Gate to Heaven's Gate: Brother Ted Kau
May 14, 2023: A Mother's Spiritual Role: Brother Ted Kau
May 7, 2023: God Sees Your Faithfulness: Brother Ted Kau
April 30, 2023: A Covenant of Worship: Brother Ewin Grace
April 23, 2023: God's Undeserved Goodness: Brother Ted Kau
April 16, 2023: The Path To Joy: Brother Ted Kau
April 9, 2023: What is The Good News?: Brother Ted Kau
April 2, 2023: The Arrival of Jesus: Brother Christian Lissner
March 26, 2023: Rebuilding God's People: Brother Ted Kau
March 19,2023: God Cares: Brother Ted Kau
March 12, 2023: The Wall is Completed: Brother Ewin Grace
March 5, 2023: Nearing the Finish Line: Brother Ted Kau
February 26,2023: How Nehemiah Managed Success: Brother Ted Kau
February 19, 2023: Addressing Injustices: Brother Christian Lissner
February 5, 2023: Sword & Trowel: Brother Ted Kau
January 29, 2023: Overcoming Opposition: Brother Ewin Grace
January 22, 2023: We Each Do Our Part: Brother Ted Kau
January 15, 2023: Spiritual Leadership: Brother Christian Lissner
January 8, 2023: Seizing Opportunities: Brother Ted Kau
January 1, 2023: A Passion For God's Home: Brother Ted Kau
December 18, 2022: A Caring Church Family: Brother Ted Kau
December 11, 2022: Prayer Warriors: by Brother Christian Lissner
November 27, 2022: Give Thanks: by Brother Ted Kau
November 20, 2022: 42nd Anniversary: by Pastor Wayland Wong (no sermon notes today)
November 13, 2022: The Sword of The Spirit: by Brother Ted Kau
November 6, 2022: The Helmet of Salvation: by Brother Ted Kau
October 30, 2022: Ready & Trusting: by Brother Ted Kau
October 23, 2022: Truth & Righteousness: by Brother Ewin Grace
October 16, 2022: Why We Need God's Armor: by Brother Ted Kau
October 9, 2022: Happy Relations: Work: by Brother Christian Lissner
October 2, 2022: Parenting: by Brother Ted Kau
September 25,2022: Honor & Obey: by Brother Ted Kau
September 18, 2022: Perfectly One: God's: by Brother Ted Kau
September 11, 2022: A Servant's Heart: by Brother Benjamin Yu
September 4, 2022: The Joy of Christian Service: by Brother Ewin Grace
August 28, 2022: Christlike Husbands: by Brother Ted Kau
August 21, 2022: Happy Relations: Wives, by Brother Ted Kau
August 14, 2022: Happy Relationships: A Key Factor, by Brother Ted Kau
August 7, 2022: Filled With the Spirit, by Brother Christian Lissner
July 31, 2022: Waking Wisely In Evil Times, by Brother Ted Kau
July 24, 2022: We Are Children of Light, by Brother Ewin Grace
July 17, 2022: Clean For The King, by Brother Ewin Grace
July 10, 2022: Imitate Our Loving God, by Brother Ted Kau
July 3, 2022: The Invitation to Follow by Pastor Benjamin Yu
June 26, 2022: Am I Always Supposed to Forgive? by Brother Ted Kau
June 19, 2022: The Father's Lavish Love by Brother Ted Kau
June 12, 2022: 6 Down & 3 Up by Pastor Ewin Grace
June 5, 2022: How To Not Grieve The Holy Spirit by Brother Ted Kau
May 29, 2022: How To Stop Verbally Hurting People by Brother Ted Kau
May 22, 2022: Gifted for Generosity by Pastor Benjamin Yu
May 15, 2022: Be Angry and Do Not Sin by Brother Ted Kau
May 8, 2022: Do Not Forsake Your Mother's Teaching by Brother Ted Kau
May 1, 2022: The Mental Calculus of Truth by Brother Ted Kau
April 24, 2022: Before & After by Brother Ted Kau
April 17, 2022: He Is Risen! by Brother Ted Kau
April 10, 2022: What is Palm Sunday About? by Brother Ted Kau
April 3, 2022: Renewing Your Mind by Pastor Benjamin Yu
March 27, 2022: Speak Truth In Love by Brother Ted Kau
March 20, 2022: United We Build by Pastor Ewin Grace
March 13, 2022: Gifted That Christ May Fill All Things by Brother Ted Kau
March 6,2022: Seven Marks of Unity by Brother Ted Kau
February 27, 2022: Worthy of the Calling by Pastor Benjamin Yu
February 20, 2022: Filled with the Fullness of God by Brother Ted Kau
February 13, 2022: Proclaim Christ's Technicolored Fullness by Brother Ted Kau
February 6, 2022: The Gift of Peace by Brother Ted Kau
January 30, 2022: Save By Grace by Pastor Benjamin Yu
January 23, 2022: How To Miss God's Blessings by Brother Ted Kau
January 16, 2022: Gospel Blessing: You Belong by Brother Ted Kau
January 9, 2022: Grace and Peace by Brother Ted Kau
January 2, 2022: An Identity Shaped by Fellowship with Jesus by Pastor Benjamin Yu
December 26, 2021: The Magi by Pastor Benjamin Yu
December 19, 2021: The Shepherd's Candle by Brother Ted Kau
December 12, 2021: The Angel Candle: Joy by Brother Ted Kau
December 5, 2021: Prophecy, End Times, Blessed Hope by Elder Moon Lee
November 28, 2021: Prince of Peace by Pastor Benjamin Yu
November 21, 2021: Praying Through Our Times of Restlessness by Curt Ogawa
November 14, 2021: Peacemaking: Come to Me: Guest Speaker
November 7, 2021: Pray for Persecuted Brothers & Sisters by Pastor Ted Kau
October 31, 2021: The Door of Wittenburg by Pastor Benjamin Yu
October 24, 2021: Once Saved Always Saved by Dr. Victor Wong
October 17, 2021: Praying Through Our Losses by Curt Ogawa
October 10, 2021: God is In Control (There is no sermon outline) by David Woo
October 3, 2021: How I Respond to Suffering by Pastor Ted Kau
September 26, 2021: The Depths of God’s Grace and Forgiveness by Pastor Benjamin Yu
September 19, 2021: Praying Through Your Pain by Curt Ogawa
September 12, 2021: Resist the Devil by Pastor Ted Kau
September 5, 2021: Praying with Jesus by Pastor Jason Berrus
August 29, 2021: God’s Sovereign Presence by Pastor Benjamin Yu
August 22, 2021: Guest Speaker – No sermon notes.
August 15, 2021: Praying Through Our Doubts by Curt Ogawa
August 8, 2021: Samuel Pech - No sermon notes
August 1, 2021: Guest Speaker – No sermon notes
July 25, 2021: Guest Speaker – No sermon notes
July 18, 2021: God’s Revelation for Today by Pastor Benjamin Yu
July 11, 2021: Cancel Culture by Dr. Victor Wong
July 4, 2021: Praying Through our Freedom by Curt Ogawa
June 27, 2021: God’s Grace and Mercies in the Philippines by Bob & Koleen French
Worship Lyrics: Worship Set
June 20, 2021: Praying Through Our Disconnection by Curt Ogawa
June 13, 2021: Creating a Clean Heart by Pastor Benjamin Yu
June 6, 2021: Praying Through Your Sadness by Curt Ogawa
May 30, 2021: Shout for Joy to the Lord by Pastor Benjamin Yu
May 23, 2021: Praying through your fears By Curt Ogawa
May 16, 2021: Recovering the Language of Prayer by Curt Ogawa
May 9, 2021: Before you Pray: The Pre-Prayer Psalm by Curt Ogawa
Worship Lyrics: Worship set
May 2, 2021: Introducing Psalms: The Bible’s Prayer Book by Curt Ogawa
April 25, 2021:Tear Down This Wall by Pastor Benjamin Yu
April 18, 2021: God’s Invitation to Co-Author With Him by Curt Ogawa
April 11, 2021: And They Lived Happily Ever After by Curt Ogawa
April 4, 2021: The Significance of Christ’s Resurrection by Curt Ogawa
March 28, 2021: Are You Ready For Jesus’ Coming? by Royden Toma
March 21,2021: The Gospel: From the perspective of eternity by Curt Ogawa
March 14, 2021: How Israel’s Story Illustrates Our Own, Part 2 by Curt Ogawa
March 7, 2021: How Israel’s Story Illustrates our own, Part 1 by Curt Ogawa
February 28, 2021: Dead or Alive in Christ by Pastor Benjamin Yu
February 21, 2021:The Peril Of Sticking To Your Own Story by Curt Ogawa
Meeting Notes: Journey 2021 Congregational Meeting
February 14, 2021: That One Moment When A Story Begins by Pastor Curt Ogawa
February 7, 2021: Do You Wish To Live a Good Story? by Pastor Curt Ogawa
January 31, 2021: Our Identity in the Word by Pastor Benjamin Yu
January 24, 2021: The Compelling Power of Narrative by Pastor Curt Ogawa
January 17, 2021: Once Upon A Time, The Epic of Epics Began… by Pastor Curt Ogawa
January 10, 2021: Our Sovereign Lord: All History Is His Story by Pastor Curt Ogawa
January 3, 2021: Sharing Our Stories: Who and Where are We? by Pastor Curt Ogawa